Benefits of Training & Development


Benefits of Training and Development

Employee training and development is one of the most outstanding motivators used to assist both individuals and organizations in achieving their short-term and long-term goals and objectives. (Rodriguez, J. and Walters, K., 2017). T & D not only enhance knowledge, skills, and attitudes, yet this also offers several other benefits. (Aguinis, H. and Kraiger, K., 2009)

According to Nassazi (2013), Following are the common benefits of employee training and development.

· Increases employees’ morale, confidence, and motivations.

· Lowers production costs as individuals are able to reduce waste.

· Promotes sense of security which in turn reduces turnover and absenteeism.

· Increases employees’ participation in the change process by giving the competencies    necessary to adjust to new and challenging situations.

· Unlock the doors for recognition, higher pay, and promotion.

· Helps the organization in improving the availability and quality of its staff

It is important to remember that individuals become more productive (Bapna, Langer, Mehra, Gopal, & Gupta, 2013), due to training and development programs improve individuals’ skills and abilities. Organizations offer compensations for individuals to attend such programs (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013)

According to Jehanzeb and Bashir (2013), There are several benefits that employee T & D programs offer to individuals and organizations,

  Individual Benefits: Training and development programs help individuals in learning the soft, functional, and technical skills necessary to perform their jobs. Employees achieve higher level of job satisfaction, because they feel they are investing in their own future. They observe that their role within the organization has a real purpose. As the Employee’s devotion tends to increase significantly they invest more of their time and effort in reaching the bottom line for the organization. Employees tend to proactively search chances to obtain innovative skills, to experience various roles and responsibilities, and to look for additional personal and professional development.

Organizational Benefits: T & D programs helps organizations to be competitive in the marketplace. According to Wanger (as cited by Jehanzeb and Bashir, 2013), the American Society for T & D (now called the Association for Talent Development) found that there is a relationship between financing in employee T & D programs and higher revenues from stock market

Appropriately, training and development initiatives help organizations in keeping their talent, differentiating themselves against other organizations, improving their appearance as best employer in the job market, and expanding the overall organizational effectiveness

 Organization must optimize the contribution of its employees by ensuring a suitable source of staff that is functionally, technically, and socially capable of growing into specialized or managerial roles (Nassazi, 2013). Overall, organizations that proactively implement employee training and development programs receive positive results from the individuals that use the programs (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013)


Employee Training And Employee Productivity

Training is one of the most extensive methods to increase the productivity of employees and communicating organizational goals to employees (Ekaterini & ConstantinosVasilios, 2009). Rohan & Madhumita (2012) pointed that investing in training employees on decision making, team work, problem-solving has favorable impact on the organizations’ level of growth, as well as impacting on employees’ performance. 

Training helps employees’ behavior and their working skills which effects employees enhanced performance as well as positive changes (Satterfield & Hughes, 2007). Training is most successful way of motivating and keeping high quality in human resources within an organization (Kate Hutchings, Cherrie J.Zhu, Brain K, Cooper, Yiming Zhang & Sijun Shao, 2009). As stated by Lowry, Simon & Kimberley (2002), training is a way of improving employee commitment and augmenting employee potential. According to Konings & Vanormelingen (2009), Colombo & Stanca (2008) and Sepulveda (2005) training is an instrument that fundamentally involves the successful accomplishment of organizations’ goals and objectives. Nevertheless, the optimum goal of every organization is to generate high revenue and maximize profit and a vital tool to realize this is an efficient and effective workforce. Consequently, a workforce is only methodical and effective if the proper training and development is provided for such and therefore leading to productivity.


Employee Development and Employee Productivity

Development programs worth investing so much into, as most successful organizations consider the progress of workforce and therefore invest in their training. This turns to increase in skill and competence that improve morale and productivity (Sheeba, 2011). Development seems to reduce the turnover rate of employees (Deckop et al. 2006). Therefore advancement opportunities do not only reduce absenteeism, yet it increases employee’s commitment and satisfaction that helps reduce turnover (Atif et al. 2010).


List of References

Aguinis, H. and Kraiger, K., 2009. Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual review of psychology60(1), pp.451-474.

Atif, A., Abdul, N. and Nadeem, S., 2011. Employee retention relationship to training and development: A compensation perspective. African journal of business management5(7), pp.2679-2685.

Bapna, R., Langer, N., Mehra, A., Gopal, R. and Gupta, A., 2013. Human capital investments and employee performance: An analysis of IT services industry. Management Science59(3), pp.641-658.

Deckop, J.R., Konrad, A.M., Perlmutter, F.D. and Freely, J.L., 2006. The effect of human resource management practices on the job retention of former welfare clients. Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and in alliance with the Society of Human Resources Management45(4), pp.539-559.

Hamid, S., 2011. A study of effectiveness of training and development programmes of UPSTDC, India–an analysis. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage4(1), pp.72-82.

Jehanzeb, K. and Bashir, N.A., 2013. Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study. European Journal of business and management5(2).

Nassazi, A., 2013. Effects of training on employee performance.: Evidence from Uganda.

Nda, M.M. and Fard, R.Y., 2013. The impact of employee training and development on employee productivity. Global journal of commerce and management perspective2(6), pp.91-93.

Rodriguez, J. and Walters, K., 2017. The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development3(10), pp.206-212.

Satterfield, J.M. and Hughes, E., 2007. Emotion skills training for medical students: a systematic review. Medical education41(10), pp.935-941.

Singh, R. and Mohanty, M., 2012. Impact of training practices on employee productivity: A comparative study. Interscience Management Review (IMR)2(2), p.74.


  1. It has accurately been said, employee development is the key to organizational sustainable development and must have employees who are able to quickly adapt to an ever-changing world market. Companies need to invest in on-going employee training and development in order to both keep employees and be successful (Nda & Fard, 2013). Training and development is precisely need for both employees and business owners. Training and development can benefit for anyone who wants to improve them professionally and personally.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Training improves a person`s ability at a task. Training improves socially, intellectually and mentally growing an employee, which could be very crucial in facilitating not only the level of productivity but also the development in any organization (Oatey,1970).

    1. Khan, R. A. G. (2011) in their study concluded that on the job training, training design along with the style of its delivery have significant effect on the organizational performance and all these have positively affect the organizational performance. it increases the overall organizational performance .

  4. Since the comprehensive performance appraisal system is facilitates in identification of training and development needs of the employee, importance of performance appraisal could illustrate as follows, (Tapomoy Deb, 2008)

    • It helps management in making various HR decisions such as recruitment, promotion,
    Transfer, demotion, lay off, termination & succession planning.
    • It is a unified system and thus avoids the errors of nepotism, self-interest and discrimination.
    • It makes known the performance standing to the employee himself and provides opportunity for improvement through constructive criticism and guidance for their development.
    • It improves communication between managers and employee.
    • It helps in improving quality of supervision by highlighting inefficiencies in supervision.
    • It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of HR policies, plans, programmes on recruitment, selection, induction, placement and compensation.

    1. Organizations are focusing and utilizing on one particular developmental HRM
      practice -Performance Appraisal affects organization’s efficiency and performance (Ikramullah,
      Shah, Hassan, Zaman, & Khan, 2011) Therefore, it has been used as tool in the process of performance appraisal for enhancing employees performance, giving rewards and increase competencies.

  5. Armstrong (2009) mentioned in his book-Organizations need people with high and appropriate levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Steps taken to meet this need are business-led in the sense that they are based on an understanding of the strategic imperatives of the business and support the achievement of its goals. But organizations also need to take account of the personal needs of those they employ for development and growth. This is good in itself but it means that the organization will be a more fulfilling and therefore attractive place in which to work-

    And developing and smart training strategy will lead to organizational growth as well as it has a direct contribution to retaining top talent in the company. Increase job satisfaction and morale, improve productivity can be seen and which will directly impact to the company success.

    Armstrong M, (2009) Hand book of Human Resource Management Practices, 13th Edition,
    (p 284)21 “Strategic learning and development”
    Chapter 20 Talent Management (p 269)

    1. Employee’s performance based on many factors, However the most important factor is training, which develop the capabilities of employees (Raja, Furqan & Khan, 2011). Employees who have more on the job experience willing to perform better as there is an increase in both their
      skills and competencies resulting from more on the job experience (Fakhar & Khan, 2008)

  6. The effect that training and development have on employee productivity makes them crucial organizational activities. New employees benefit from orientation and training to become productive members of the team, while experienced employees are better able to adapt to changes and job demands. Employees can grow and improve in their careers through development programs, whether they work for the company or not (Kadir, 2009).

    1. Productivity which is defined in Oxford dictionary (2007) is the efficiency with which things are being produced. According to Cole (2002) it is noted that training increases skills, knowledge, abilities, competencies and employee performance in organizations.

  7. Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees, but many employers find the development opportunities expensive (Walters & Rodriguez, 2017). Employees also miss out on work time while attending training sessions, which may delay the completion of projects. Despite the potential drawbacks, training and development provides both the company as a whole and the individual employees with benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile investment (Kapur, 2018)

    1. Even though the employees miss out work time due to T& D there are countless benefits of using T& D of employees.
      Training-related changes should impact in improved job performance and other positive replacements (e.g., acquisition of new skills; Hill & Lent 2006, Satterfield & Hughes 2007)
      that provide as antecedents of job performance (Kraiger 2002).

  8. Employees are the backbone of the organization. The accomplishments or issues experienced by the organization are contingent on the performance of its employees (Mwema & Gachunga, 2014). Therefore, it is vital for organizational leaders to recognize the importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation (Rodriguez and Walters, n.d.). However, such elements need to be envisioned, developed, implemented, and sustained by well-trained individuals. Although employee training and development can be a challenging task for many leaders, organizations should invest more money in employee training and development. The needs for employee training and development may occur at any level of the organization, such as strategic, tactical, or operational. Nassazi (2013) mentioned that needs occurring at the strategic level are identified by senior leaders based on organizational goals, mission, and strategy (Rodriguez and Walters, n.d.). What are the best ways, do you think, to reduce the training and development costs?

  9. I do not think reducing the cost of T & D would help the organization as well as the employees. Companies could look for achieving organizational goals through various of human resource strategies and approaches and the importance of ensuring employees’ commitment and retention also training may lie in the strategic approach that is utilized. In order to ensure that the employee remains with the company following training, employers may implement a strategy to training that encourage commitment. Training according to Brum (2010), Owen (2006) will increase employees’ commitment, also counter the numerous direct and indirect costs associated with employees’ turnover.


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