Introduction to Training & Development and Intentions of T& D


Training and development is one of the key HR functions. Most organizations look at training and development as an integral part of the human resource development activity (Swart,, 2012).Training and development of employees and job satisfaction of employees are two crucial components for the performance of employee (Khan, ,2016).

Employee performance is influenced by many factors like company’s overall policies, working conditions, training and development of employees, relations between employee and employer (Aktar et al., 2012)

Training may be described as an endeavour aimed to improve or develop additional competency or skills in an employee on the job one currently holds in order to increase the performance or productivity (Olaniyan, D.A.Ojo, L.B., 2008).Training has the distinct role in the achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of organization and the workforce (Stone R J, 2002)

Development implies opportunities created to help employees grow (Peeters, M.C. van Emmerik, H., 2008). It is more of long term or futuristic in nature as opposed to training, which focus on the current job. It also is not limited to the job avenues in the current organizations but may focus on other development aspects also (Boud, D & Falchikov, N., 2006).

According to the Armstrong (2001), “Training is systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job”.

The term ‘training’ indicates the process involved in improving the aptitudes, skills and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs(Kulkarni, P.P., 2013).

Training helps in updating old talents and developing new ones. ‘Successful candidates placed on the jobs need training to perform their duties effectively’. (Source: Aswathappa,2000)

According to Heathfield (2012), the right employee training, development and education at thright time, provides big payoffs for the organization in increase productivity, knowledge, loyalty and contribution

Training is organized attempt of an employee to acquire efficient performance in single or multiple activities (K. Z. Ahmad & Bakar, 2003). Employees should be fully involved in training programs and there must be a relation between employee and company(McConnell, 2004).

Development is process of planning and preparing employees for the future jobs and upcoming problems (Kadiresan et al., 2015). Training and development helps businesses to adapt to new technology by increased efficiency of employees (Kennedy, 2009)

 Intentions of Training and Development 

Employee training and development occurs at different levels of the organization and helps individuals in attaining diverse goals. According to Elnaga and Imran (2013), this effort assists individuals in decreasing their anxiety or frustration encountered in the workplace. When a task is not properly performed and the end results are not perceived as expected, the individual may not feel motivated to keep performing (Asim, 2013) Individuals who are not able to perform at the expected level of performance may even decide to leave the organization, because they feel they are not productive and become dissatisfied with their job. For this reason, employee training and development serves as the tool that not only enhances the competencies required to perform a job, but it also provides the means to assist individuals in feeling more satisfied with the results of their performance. Enhanced competencies lead to better performance and retention. Employee training and development is a vital component of Human Resources planning activities, because it not only maximizes the returns of individuals, but it may also attract better talent to the organization (Bapna,

It develops the thinking abilities and creativity of individuals for better decision making, customer service, complaints handling,and overall self-efficacy (Elnaga & Imran, 2013).

According to Mel Kleiman (as cited by Jehanzeb and Bashir, 2013), employee training and development should be utilized to orient individuals and to enhance their managerial and operational skills.When organizations provide the resources necessary to perform a job, individuals become satisfied with their jobs and more productive, while the organization becomes more successful (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013).

This blog covers training leads to important benefits for individuals and organization and to understand the benefits of training and development program,Training and development has emerged as a more corporate function and is recognized as a profession with distinct theories and methodologies. An organization’s success depends on how well the employees are performing in their current role Job performance of an employee depends on several factors but several researches have reinstated the fact that training and development plays the most significant part in improving performance of the employees.Organizations must have employees who are able to quickly adapt to an ever-changing world market (Nda, M.M.& Fard, R.Y., 2013). Companies need to invest in on-going employee training and development in order to both keep employees and be successful.

 List of References

Ahmad, K.Z. and Bakar, R.A., 2003. The association between training and organizational commitment among white‐collar workers in Malaysia. International journal of training and development7(3), pp.166-185.

 Aktar, S., Sachu, M.K. and Ali, M.E., 2012. The impact of rewards on employee performance in commercial banks of Bangladesh: an empirical study. IOSR Journal of Business and Management6(2), pp.9-15.

 Armstrong, J.S. ed., 2001. Principles of forecasting: a handbook for researchers and practitioners (Vol. 30). Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.

 Armstrong, M., 2006. A handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

 Bapna, R., Langer, N., Mehra, A., Gopal, R. and Gupta, A., 2013. Human capital investments and employee performance: An analysis of IT services industry. Management Science59(3), pp.641-658.

 Boud, D. and Falchikov, N., 2006. Aligning assessment with long‐term learning. Assessment & evaluation in higher education31(4), pp.399-413

 Innocent, I.E., Uzoamaka, E.V. and Levi, N.N., 2017. Effects of training and development on employee performance at Abia state polytechnic, Aba. International Journal of Economics and Business Management3(9), pp.13-22.

 Jehanzeb, K. and Bashir, N.A., 2013. Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study. European Journal of business and management5(2).

 Khan, A.A., Abbasi, S.O.B.H., Waseem, R.M., Ayaz, M. and Ijaz, M., 2016. Impact of training and development of employees on employee performance through job satisfaction: A study of telecom sector of Pakistan. Business Management and Strategy7(1), pp.29-46.

 Kulkarni, P.P., 2013. A literature review on training & development and quality of work life. Researchers World4(2), p.136.

McConnell, C.R., 2004. Managing employee performance. The health care manager23(3), pp.273-283.

 Nda, M.M. and Fard, R.Y., 2013. The impact of employee training and development on employee productivity. Global journal of commerce and management perspective2(6), pp.91-93.

 Olaniyan, D.A. and Ojo, L.B., 2008. Staff training and development: A vital tool for organizational effectiveness. European journal of scientific Research24(3), pp.326-331.

 Rodriguez, J. and Walters, K., 2017. The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development3(10), pp.206-212.

 Stone, R.J., Cox, A. and Gavin, M., 2020. Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons

 Swart, J., Mann, C., Brown, S. and Price, A., 2012. Human resource development. Routledge..


  1. Agree on the facts given. The Importance of keeping intrinsically motivated employees has been an important factor in developing organizations (Chukwuma and Okafor, 2014) and considered as a competitive advantage for businesses in terms of achieving company objectives (Mat et al, 2016).

    1. Employee performance rely on many factors as in job satisfaction, knowledge and
      management however there is a relationship between training and performance (Chris Amisano,2010)


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