Training & Development Effectiveness

 Training & Development Effectiveness

Hung (2010) has stated four categories of elements that can describe the effectiveness of a Training & Development program being implemented. These categories are:

 -Behavioral changes

 -Improvements in knowledge

 -Skills and attributes

- Substantial and Measurable outcomes

- Reaction of the trainees (employees) in terms of perceived training benefits and improved  performance

 On the other hand, Noe (2008) presented some conditions that need to be fulfilled for making a Training & Development program efficient and beneficially effective.

These are: employees who get training must be provided with sufficient chances to put the learned things into work and then get review response (feedback) on that; complete, relevant, and interesting training material should be delivered while keeping in view the outcomes expected from the training program; the basic requirements must also be met to ensure the smooth completion of training event and then getting transfer of learned skills; observation and practice based learning opportunities must be given to the individuals attending the training session.

These all factors can help to develop and successfully implement a training program that will aid the employees to literally advance in their knowledge, skills and attributes.

For making training effective following points have been given by Armstrong (2009):

        Conditions for effective training source : Armstrong, 2009

Effectiveness of training function

 A training program is said to be successful when training outcome matches with its objectives. The degree with which outcome is closer to objective determines training effectiveness. According to Lina Vyas (2004), evaluation is the most important means to determine the effectiveness of training, however, other factors — including transfer of learning, ability of the trainer to deliver and trainees to absorb, ability of the institute and the trainers to recognize the needs and properly address them, and adequate matching of training package to trainees requirements also have an influence on the effectiveness of training.

According to Huque A.S and Vyas L (2008), training effectiveness may be assessed by considering the results or evaluation, performance of the trainees and their ability to transfer techniques to their jobs. Training effectiveness could also be a process of trainee attributes, training design and contextual factors (Scaduto Anne, Lindsay Douglas & Chiabur S. Dan, 2008).

Evaluating the effectiveness of training program is an important step as it is carried out to see how well the training objectives have been met and whether it is the best method for achieving those objectives (Niraj Kishore Chimote, 2010). The failure to consistently find results for the effectiveness of training through the use of behavioral and performance rating criteria can be attributed to several sources, including training design issues, trainee characteristics, work environment characteristics, and criterion issues (Baldwin & Ford, 1988; Goldstein, 1986). To examine training effectiveness using results criteria, the inherent difficulties involved in collecting objective performance measures of trainees. (Ostroff Cheri 1991).

Positive effects of training and development investments on organizational innovation

 Scholars highlighted the role of active learning and pursuing new knowledge in several stages of innovation, including problem identification, idea generation, idea promotion, and implementation (Nonaka & Takeuchi,1995; Shalley, Zhou, & Oldham, 2004). Such learning and knowledge management processes can be facilitated from corporate training and development by exposing employees to broad perspectives, skills, expertise, and additional insights through which they can expand their reservoir of new and useful ideas for innovation (Castellanos& Martín, 2011; Nguyen et al., 2010).

Addressing the need to explain the various modes of organization provided training (Popescu, Popescu, & Iancu, 2010) and considering the different developmental focus, and identified the following two forms of training investment,

· Corporate training expenditure.

· Financial support for education.

The former is the preferred investment for firm specific, intensive internal training for instant performance gain, where as the latter is geared toward external education to enhance the general capabilities of employees from a long-term perspective (Jacobs, Skillings, & Yu, 2000).

Although these two forms of training investment may play similar functions in bringing up learning and ultimately innovation, a separate examination is still important because both forms represent different resource allocation patterns across organizations and different ways through which human resource development efforts increase organizational innovation.

List of References

 Anne, S., Douglas, L. and Dan, C.S., 2008. Leader influences on training effectiveness: motivation and outcome expectation process. International Journal of Training and Development12(3), pp.158-170.

 Baldwin, T.T. and Ford, J.K., 1988. Transfer of training: A review and directions for future research. Personnel psychology41(1), pp.63-105.

 Chimote, N.K., 2010. Training Programs: Evaluation of Trainees' Expectations and Experience. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior9(3).

 Hung, T.K., 2010. An empirical study of the training evaluation decision-making model to measure training outcome. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal38(1), pp.87-101.

 Huque, A.S. and Vyas, L., 2008. Expectations and performance: assessment of public service training in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Human Resource Management19(1), pp.188-204.

 Iosim, I., Iancu, T., Popescu, G. and Orboi, M.D., 2010. The impact of informal communications in organizations. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture67(2), pp.125-130.

 Jacobs, R., Skillings, M. and Yu, H., 2000. An evaluation of the workforce development programs jointly sponsored by the state of Ohio and Ohio civil service employees association. Final report, Columbus, OH: Workforce development and education graduate program, The Ohio State University.

 Noe, R.A. and Tews, M.J., 2008. Strategic training and development. In The Routledge companion to strategic human resource management (pp. 262-284). Routledge.

 Ostroff, C., 1991. Training effectiveness measures and scoring schemes: A comparison. Personnel Psychology44(2), pp.353-374.

 Sung, S.Y. and Choi, J.N., 2014. Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations. Journal of organizational behavior35(3), pp.393-412.

 Vyas, L., 2004. Delivering better government: Assessing the effectiveness of public service training in India. Public personnel management33(3), pp.291-306.


  1. Agreeing with the above mentioned ideologies, it can also be stated according to Manju & Suresh (2011), that the organizational quality can be improved to stand as a competitor in the market and that could be achieved through positive employees and they can be made through training which would improve the technical ,conceptual and human skills of employees.Further there is a major role played by employee development in increasing critical and strategic imperative in organizations(Sheri-lynne 2007) in Abdul Hameed (2011).Therefore, it is very important that organizations invest in employee training and development to achieve organization success(Khawaja & Nadeem 2013).Employee development is gaining an increasingly critical and strategic imperative in organizations in the current business environment (Sheri-lynne 2007) in Abdul Hameed (2011). Thus organizations need to invest in continuous employee development in order to maintain employees as well as the organization success (Khawaja & Nadeem 2013).

    1. T & D are the processes of investing in people so that they are provided to perform. These processes are part of an overall human resource management approach that hopefully will end up in people being motivated to perform (Barron & Hagerty 2001)
      If employees are to experience flexibility and effectiveness on the job, they need to obtain and develop knowledge and skills, and if they consider that they are valued by the Organization

  2. It is so compulsory to implement the training & development to employees for an every level of structure in an organization (Michael Armstrong, 2000). The design of the training should be according to the requirement of the employees (Ginsberg, 1997).
    Upon obtaining proper training according to the need of the employees which will benefit to organization always get good results (Partlow, 1996; Tihanyi et al., 2000; Boudreau et al., 2001)
    Further, Training design plays a very vital role in the employee as well as organizational performance (Tsaur and Lin, 2004)


    1. It is important for organizations to use relevant training to enhance employee performance. In order to achieve effective training outcomes, organizations should realize a training design(s) that is in accordance with the needs of its employees. (Raja et al., 2011, Ameeq-ul-Ameeq, Furqan Hanif, 2013, Afshan., et al 2012 and Aidah Nassazi, 2013)


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